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Let's now see the NR37-SAFETY AND HEALTH IN OIL PLATFORMS standard, an important standard for such an important area in the development of our country. Here are the first important parts of this standard:

MTb Ordinance No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018

37.1.1 This Regulatory Standard - NR establishes the minimum requirements for safety, health and working conditions on board oil platforms operating in Brazilian Jurisdictional Waters - AJB.

37.1.3 Foreign platforms with provision for temporary operation, of up to six months, in AJB, and that do not have their facilities adequate to the requirements of this NR, must comply with the rules established in international conventions and be certified and maintained in class by a classification society, recognized by the Brazilian Maritime Authority, with delegation of competence to do so. The temporary operation of these platforms cannot jeopardize the safety and health of workers, especially with regard to serious and imminent risks, as established in NR-03 (Embargo or Interdiction).

37.2.2 The contract operator is responsible for: (a) complying and enforcing this NR, as well as, where applicable, the provisions contained in the other NRs, approved by Ordinance MTb No. 3.214, of June 8, 1978 and later changes; (b) audit, as provided for in the management system, the operator of the facility regarding compliance with this NR and those approved by Ordinance MTb No. 3,214, of June 8, 1978 and subsequent amendments, as appropriate; (c) provide the information requested by the Labor Tax Audit.

37.2.3 Workers are responsible for: (a) collaborating with the installation's operator to comply with legal and regulatory provisions, including internal procedures on safety and health at work and well-being on board; (b) immediately communicate to their hierarchical superior the situations they consider to pose a risk to their safety and health or that of third parties, and record in physical or digital media; I. your hierarchical superior must inform SESMT and CIPLAT or, in his absence, the person in charge designated for the fulfillment of CIPLAT's obligations, when applicable; (c) carry the appropriate amount of medication for continuous use, accompanied by a medical prescription and within the validity period.

37.4.1 The worker's rights are: (a) to interrupt his work, based on his training and experience, when he finds evidence of serious and imminent risk to his safety and health or that of other people, immediately informing his superior or, in the absence of this, to the representative of the installation operator, and to CIPLAT, so that the appropriate measures are taken to correct non-conformities; (b) be informed about the risks existing in the workplaces and living areas and their possible consequences that could compromise their safety and health; (c) be communicated about orders, instructions, recommendations or notifications regarding their activities or work environments, made by the labor tax audit related to the work environment, through the different legal instruments provided for in labor legislation in terms of safety and health ; (d) communicate to the employer and the Ministry of Labor any potential risk that it deems capable of generating a magnified accident.

37.5 Declaration of Maritime Installation - DIM

37.5.1 The installation operator must file the Declaration of the Maritime Installation - DIM of the platform with the Regional Labor Superintendence - SRTb, corresponding to the federation unit where the platform will operate

37.6 Commissioning, Expansion, Modification, Maintenance, Repair, Decommissioning and Dismantling

37.6.1 For the activities of commissioning, expansion, modification, maintenance and naval repair, decommissioning and dismantling of platforms, in addition to the provisions of the sub-items of this item, the requirements of NR-34 (Working Conditions and Environment in Shipbuilding and Repair Industry), as appropriate, regardless of the location, type and extent of the service to be performed on board. In the commissioning, expansion, modification, maintenance, repair, decommissioning or dismantling services performed during simultaneous operations on board the platform, the following must be: (a) risk analyses; (b) previously implemented the recommendations of the risk analysis; (c) issued the respective work permits and permissions to enter confined spaces, when applicable; (d) periodically monitored by an occupational safety professional, at the rate of 2 simultaneous operations for each professional.

37.7 Documentation

37.7.1 The documentation provided for in this NR must remain filed, in physical or electronic media, on the platform for a minimum period of 5 (five) years, unless otherwise stated in thisor in the other NRs, and at the disposal of the labor tax audit.

37.8 Training, Qualification and Qualification

37.8.1 All training provided for in this NR must be carried out in person, according to the characteristics of the training, during the working day, at the expense and cost of the employer.

37.8.10 Training in Safety and Health at Work The installation operator must implement a training program on safety and health at work on the platform, comprising the following modalities: (a) general guidelines at the time of each shipment (platform safety briefing); (b) training before the first shipment; (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) (c) occasional training; (d) basic training; (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) (e) advanced training; (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) (f) training recycling; g) Daily Security Dialogue - DDS.

37.9 Specialized Services in Occupational Safety and Medicine - SESMT

37.9.1 The installation operator and the companies that provide services on board the platform must have SESMT on land and on board each platform, as specified in this item.

37.9.3 SESMT on board the platform

25 (twenty-five).

37.10 Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents on Platforms - CIPLAT

37.10.1 The operator of the installation and the companies providing permanent services on board must size their CIPLAT, by platform, obeying, in order of priority, the rules established in this NR and those described in NR-05

37.10.2 The installation operator's CIPLAT will be made up of representatives appointed by the employer and elected by the workers.

37.12 Health Care on the Platform

37.12.1 The installation operator and each of the companies providing permanent services on board must prepare their respective Occupational Health Medical Control Program - PCMSO, per platform, in compliance with the precepts of this item and, in addition, to the provisions of NR- 07. (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) For a set of uninhabited platforms, the operator of these facilities may prepare a single PCMSO, provided that all risks are considered recognized in the specific PPRA of each of these uninhabited platforms.

37.12.5 The inhabited platform must: (a) have a health professional, registered with the respective class council, on board to provide health care and first aid care, in accordance with NORMAM-01/DPC, in the following proportion: I From 31 (thirty-one) to 250 (two hundred and fifty) workers on board, the health professional must be a nursing technician, under the supervision of a nurse, a nurse or a doctor; II. between 251 (two hundred and fifty-one) and 400 (four hundred) workers, a health professional must be added, ensuring that at least one of them is of higher education; III. above 401 (four hundred and one) workers, a health professional must be added. (b) be equipped with an infirmary that meets the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Rules of the Maritime Authority for Vessels Used in Open Sea Navigation (NORMAM - 01 of the Directorate of Ports and Coasts - DPC of the Brazilian Navy) and in NR-32 ( Occupational Health and Safety in Health Services), as appropriate; (c) make available a telemedicine system between the health professional on board and the specialist doctors on land, at any time of the day or night, operated by a trained worker, in accordance with Resolutions of the Federal Council of Medicine and other relevant legislation. (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018)

37.13 Means of Access to the Platform

37.13.1 Movements of workers between the mainland and the platform or between non-interconnected platforms, and vice versa, must be carried out by helicopter. Aircraft, heliports and air transport procedures must comply with the safety requirements required by the competent authorities. It is allowed to transport workers by means of vessels, provided that: (a) they are certified by the Maritime Authority; (b) the distance to be traveled between the continent and the platform is less than or equal to 35 nautical miles; (c) adequate conditions of comfort for the worker during navigation are met; d) the sea and wind conditions are inferior or equal values ​​covered up to grade 5 on the Beaufort scale. Worker transfer operations must comply with the following requirements: (a) be carried out during the day and with good visibility; (b) all workers must receive safety training and preliminary safety briefings prior to each transport and transfer; (c) the transported and transferred workers must wear a life jacket (Class I - NORMAM 01/DPC); (d) the workers to be transferred must not carry materials, including backpacks, during the transfer, in order to have their hands free; (e) a trained crew member of the vessel must give practical guidance on the transfer process, and the worker must strictly follow his determinations; (f) the worker cannot be subjected to the transfer operation without his consent, and may refuse at any time with justification; (g) if there is a person without physical or psychological conditions for the transfer or who refuses to comply with the crew's determinations, the vessel's captain must immediately interrupt the operation, requesting the removal of this worker from the boarding area, reporting the event to the facility operator. The use of the transshipment basket is prohibited: (a) for the transport of materials or equipment, with the exception of the transported workers' luggage, which must be carried in the center of the basket; (b) with a load above its maximum carrying capacity; (c) as the first load of the crane's operating day, and another similar load element must be used in place of the basket, with at least twice its maximum carrying capacity to make the necessary checks; (d) when there is no permanent visual and radio communication between the crane operator and the platform and vessel signals.

37.13.6 The movement of workers between the adjacent maritime support unit and the platform, fixed or floating, must be done by means of a gangway, complying with the following minimum requirements: (a) keeping the road unobstructed, equipped with handrails and non-slip floor; (b) guarantee a safe angle of inclination for the movement of workers; (c) use a walkway equipped with a side closure; (d) install fall protection nets around the base of the walkway on the platforms, when required in the risk analysis; (e) provide each end of the walkway with an automatic signaling system or trained lookout, formally indicated, identified and carrying a fluorescent strip; (f) equip the communication system lookouts, interconnected with the platform command and the support unit, to guide the flow of workers; g) designate a safe, signposted, clear and sheltered area as a waiting point for crossing, based on specific risk analyses; (h) prepare procedures for movement, interruption of passage and evacuation of workers from the footbridge, in case of adverse weather and maritime conditions or operational emergencies; (i) install a differentiated audible and luminous alarm system to warn workers in case of need to interrupt the passage through the walkway; (j) have its moving parts protected and marked; (k) be provided with means of access by means of stairs and a ramp positioned at most 30 degrees from a horizontal plane and equipped with a rotating device that allows it to follow the involuntary movement of the vessel. The living areas must be designed considering: (a) compliance with worker safety and health requirements; (b) living conditions suitable for the well-being of the workers on board; c) away from noisy machines, equipment and appliances and dangerous substances (combustible, flammable, radioactive, explosive and others); (d) mitigation of workers' exposure to noise, vibrations and hazardous substances, as well as other environmental risk factors above the tolerance limits present on board; (e) the ease of abandoning living areas in emergency situations. The operator of the facility must ensure that in the beds of the cabins and temporary accommodation modules the noise levels do not exceed 55 dB (A), and from 50 dB (A) preventive measures must be adopted. (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) In men's sanitary facilities for collective use, the replacement of 50% (fifty percent) of the vessels with urinals for collective use is allowed, provided that at least two vessels are ensured. The platform must also have sanitary facilities for collective use equipped with a shower, in the proportion of 1 (one) for every 30 (thirty) workers or fraction, considering the work shift with more effective. (See implementation deadline in article 3 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) The installation operator must prepare, per platform, the control and surveillance procedures to maintain and control the quality of water distributed for human consumption on board, contemplating, at least, the following topics: (a) requirement, together with suppliers, of the safety report of the materials used in the production and distribution that come into contact with water; (b) operational control of the capture, adduction, treatment, storage and distribution point(s), always operated with positive pressure throughout its extension; (c) process of disinfection or chlorination of the water to be collectively supplied for human consumption, requiring, from the suppliers, the report of compliance with the health requirements established in the ABNT technical standard for the quality control of the chemical products used in the treatment from water; (d) water quality control using the analytical methodologies defined in Annex XX of the Consolidation Ordinance - PRC No. 5 of 09/28/17. The operator of the facility may carry out the analyzes in a laboratory, own or contracted, that meets the specific requirements mentioned in NBR ISO/IEC 17025. The cafeteria must meet, in this order, the requirements of this NR and, where applicable, the items contained in the Resolutions of the National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA, RDC No. 216/2004 and RDC No. 72/2009 , as described below: (a) be installed in an appropriate place, not communicating directly with workplaces, sanitary facilities and unhealthy or dangerous places; (b) have a minimum area of ​​1.50 m² per user, with the number of tables and seats that meets 1/3 of the total number of employees in the shift with the highest number of employees; (c) have main circulation with a minimum width of 0.75m, with circulation between seats and between seats and bulkheads with a minimum width of 0.55m; (d) be provided with a lighting network, externally protected by conduits or built into the bulkheads or ceiling, with general and diffused lighting of at least 150 lux; (e) have waterproof, non-slip flooring and coated with material that allows cleaning and disinfection; (f) have bulkheads lined with smooth, resistant, impermeable material that allows cleaning and disinfection; (g) have potable water available; (h) have tables provided with a smooth top and waterproof material; (i) have tables and benches or chairs that are easy to clean and kept permanently clean; (j) have self-service counters equipped with saliva protectors; (k) have alcohol gel or other sanitizing agents in the access area to the self-service counters. Sanitary facilities must: a) have a minimum area of ​​1.00m² for each toilet; b) be supplied by piped water; c) have treated hot and cold water in showers and sinks for personal hygiene purposes, except for toilets and urinals; (See implementation deadline in article 3 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) d) be separated by sex; e) have a single main door to maintain privacy, provided with a panel measuring 0.60 m x 0.80 m, which allows ventilation and escape in case of emergency; f) have doors with internal closing without, however, preventing their emergency opening from the outside by means of a master key or similar; g) have a waterproof, washable, non-slip floor, with a siphon drain and without bumps and depressions; h) have a trash can with a lid, with an opening device that eliminates the need for manual contact with the lid; i) be provided with a lighting network, externally protected by conduits or built into the bulkheads, with general and diffused lighting of at least 150 lux; j) have an effective exhaust system, directed outside the living area and without contaminating its other environments; k) have disposable protector available for the toilet seat; l) be provided with at least one electrical outlet near the washbasins. (See implementation deadline in article 3 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) On inhabited platforms, the existence of a cafeteria for workers is mandatory. The cafeteria must meet, in this order, the requirements of this NR and, where applicable, the items contained in the Resolutions of the National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA, RDC No. 216/2004 and RDC No. 72/2009 , as described below: a) be installed in an appropriate place, not communicating directly with workplaces, sanitary facilities and unhealthy or dangerous places; b) have a minimum area of ​​1.50 m² per user, with the number of tables and seats that meets 1/3 of the total number of employees in the shift with the highest number of employees; c) have main circulation with a minimum width of 0.75 m, with circulation between seats and between seats and bulkheads with minimum width of 0.55m; d) be provided with a lighting network, protected externally by conduits or built into the bulkheads or ceiling, with general and diffused lighting of at least 150 lux; e) have waterproof, non-slip flooring and coated with material that allows cleaning and disinfection; f) have bulkheads lined with smooth, resistant, impermeable material that allows cleaning and disinfection; g) have drinking water available; h) have tables equipped with a smooth top and waterproof material; i) have tables and benches or chairs that are easy to clean and kept permanently clean; j) have self-service counters equipped with saliva protectors; k) have alcohol gel or other sanitizing agents in the access area to the self-service counters. Staterooms, temporary cabins and temporary accommodation modules shall meet the following general requirements: a) have bulkheads, cladding, lining, flooring and joints constructed with specific materials for marine use and fire resistant, in accordance with the requirements defined by the IMO Code for Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code), SOLAS and its subsequent amendments. b) be constructed with thermo-acoustic, impermeable, non-toxic materials, suitable for use and which guarantee a healthy environment and perfect hygiene; c) be provided with sufficient devices for the flow of water; d) preserve the privacy of users; e) be separated by sex during the entire time of occupation, being prohibited the day/night alternation between male and female sexes during this period; f) accommodate a maximum of four people; g) have a ceiling height of at least 2.40 m when bunk beds are used or 2.20 m in the case of the exclusive use of single beds; h) have a dormitory with a minimum area of ​​3.60 m² per person, except in the case of single or double dormitories, whose minimum total area must be 7.50 m²; (See implementation deadline in article 3 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) i) have adequate dimensions in order to provide comfort and facilitate cleaning and order; j) have a private toilet, adjacent to the bedroom and with a door for direct communication or to the antechamber, equipped with a toilet, shower compartment and washbasin with cupboard, individual drawers, towel dryer and support handle; k) have doors with a minimum height of 2.10 m and a minimum width of 0.80 m, equipped with devices that allow them to be kept open and provided with exhaust panels measuring 0.60 x 0.80 m; l) be equipped with furniture and accessories made of material that is easy to clean, without sharp corners, kept in good conditions of use, and that do not produce gases or toxic particles when exposed to fire; m) present maximum values ​​of whole-body vibration lower than the action level for daily occupational exposure to whole-body vibration mentioned in Annex I (Occupational Exposure Assessment) to Whole-Body Vibrations), of NR-09; (See implementation deadline in article 4 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) n) have an electrical voltage of 127 or 220 volts in the sockets, duly identified; o) have a lighting system in order to maintain a minimum level of general and diffuse lighting in accordance with NR-17 (Ergonomics), as well as emergency lighting; p) have a non-allergenic, flame-retardant blanket, in the minimum proportion of one piece for each occupant.

37.15 Onboard Food

37.15.1 The facility operator must ensure that workers on board have free access to good quality food, prepared on board, provided in hygienic and conservation conditions, as provided for by current legislation. The menu must be varied, balanced and prepared by a legally qualified nutritionist, have content that meets the nutritional requirements necessary for the health conditions of the workers, be suitable for the type of work activity and ensure well-being on board. On uninhabited platforms, the power supply must have the same characteristics mentioned in sub-item 37.15.1, and its preparation on board is not required.

37.16 Air conditioning

37.16.1 The inhabited platform must be provided with an air conditioning system suitable for living areas and workplaces where intellectual demand and constant attention are required, ensuring health, safety, well-being and thermal comfort.

37.16.2 The installation operator must ensure that the air conditioning system is in adequate conditions of cleaning, maintenance, operation and control, according to Ordinance MS No. 3,523, of 08/28/98. The installation operator must have a qualified technician responsible, with ART, to fulfill the following attributions: a) implement and keep the Maintenance, Operation and Control Plan - PMOC available on board; b) prepare recommendations to be adopted in situations of equipment failure and emergency c) guarantee the application and periodicity of the PMOC, through the direct or indirect continuous execution of this service; d) keep available on board the record of the execution of the procedures established in the PMOC; e) disclose the procedures and results of maintenance, operation and control activities to workers. The PMOC must include, at least, the following measures: a) keep the components of the air conditioning system clean, such as: trays, coils, humidifiers, fans and ducts; b) clean the components of the air conditioning system with biodegradable products, duly registered with the Ministry of Health; c) periodically check the physical condition of the filters and keep them operational, replacing them when necessary; d) restrict the use of the compartment, where the return air and renewal air mixing box is installed, to the exclusive use of the air conditioning system; e) preserve the capture of external air free from possible external polluting sources that pose risks to human health; f) provide the external air inlet with a class G1 filter, according to the specifications in Annex II of Ordinance MS No. 3,523, of 08/28/98; g) ensure that indoor air renewal in climate-controlled environments is at least 27m³/h/person; h) provide protections against risks to the safety and health of workers who perform maintenance and cleaning services, as well as the occupants of air-conditioned compartments. The installation operator must ensure that the air quality is met by a qualified technician responsible, with the issuance of the ART, to: a) carry out the biological, chemical and physical evaluation of the indoor air conditions of the climatized environments; b) proceed with the correction of non-conformities found to comply with the provisions of Art. 4 of Resolution - RE no. 176; c) keep available a record of evaluations and corrections carried out; d) prepare a technical report on indoor air quality, specifying the date for carrying out the cleaning and maintenance service of the components of the air conditioning system performed, as well as the date of the next service; e) disclose to workers the procedures and results of the evaluation, correction and maintenance activities carried out. The technical responsibility for the laboratory analysis of the indoor air must be separated from the technical responsibility for the cleaning and maintenance of the air conditioning system. 37.16.4 The central or individual air conditioning of cabins, temporary cabins and temporary accommodation modules must also meet the following requirements: a) have individual air conditioning temperature control; (See implementation deadline in article 3 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) b) allow air to be directed through adjustable fins, installed on the insufflation grilles;

c) produce low levels of noise and vibration. The color code used must be available on notice boards on the platform. The platform with foreign workers on board must have occupational health and safety signs also written in English. 37.17.2 Fire and panic safety signs must comply with ABNT - NBR 13434-2 and subsequent amendments. 37.17.3 The use of colors in work safety to identify and warn against risks must comply with the provisions of standard ABNT - NBR 7195 and subsequent amendments. 37.17.4 The use of colors in the identification of pipes for the channeling of fluids and fragmented material or electrical conductors must comply with the provisions of standard ABNT - NBR 6493 and subsequent amendments, also observing the following requirements.

37.18 Electrical Installations 37.18.1 The sub-items of this item and NR-10 (Safety in Electrical Installations and Services) apply to the platform. If NR-10 is omitted, the national technical standards, the MODU Code or international technical standards apply, in this order. 37.18.2 Authorized foreign workers must also be duly trained, qualified or legally qualified to perform their duties, in accordance with the provisions of NR-10. The foreign worker is considered qualified after his education and training given abroad are formally recognized by the legally qualified professional, authorized by the operator of the facility. 37.18.3 The platform with metallic continuity is exempt from proving the inspections and measurements of lightning protection systems, provided that this condition is attested by a technical report prepared by a legally qualified professional, with the issuance of the respective ART. 37.18.4 Workers who perform services in electrical installations energized with high voltage must be trained according to Annex V of this NR.

37.19.5 The internal storage compartment of combustibles and flammable materials must have: a) bulkheads, ceilings and floors made of fire-resistant material, the latter not being able to cause sparks due to the friction of shoes or tools; b) device to prevent the formation of static electricity; c) electrical equipment and materials appropriate to the area classification, as described in NR-10; d) effective ventilation and exhaust, when required; e) system of treatment or safe disposal of toxic or flammable gases; f) fire fighting system with appropriate extinguishers, close to the access door; g) automatic fire detection installed inside the compartment and alarm in the control room; h) doors with automatic closing mechanism, when necessary; i) dry environment, free from corrosive substances; j) emergency light; k) access roads and doors clearly and legibly signposted with the words "FLAMMABLE" and "NO SMOKING"; l) adequate set to contain leaks. The compartment must be easy to clean and have an adequate containment area that allows its collection or a drainage system that allows for drainage and storage in a safe place, in case of leakage of combustible or flammable liquids. Cabinets, shelves or shelves used to store combustibles and flammables must be constructed of metallic material. 37.19.6 The place used to store flammable gas in an open area of ​​the platform must: a) communicate only with the open deck; b) be safe, ventilated, segregated and signposted; c) allow the cylinder to be fixed; d) provide protection for the cylinders against impacts and bad weather; e) be away from sources of ignition and corrosive agents. 37.19.7 The gas cylinders must be: a) stored with the valves closed and protected by a screw cap; b) fixed in the vertical position; c) segregated by type of product; d) separating the full from the empty or partially used containers; e) flagged. Gas cylinders and containers of hazardous substances, considered nominally empty, must be stored in accordance with the aforementioned requirements, until they are unloaded. 37.19.8 The valves, pipes, hoses and accessories used in cylinders containing gases must be of material resistant to pressure, impact and corrosion, compatible with the fluid; 37.19.9 Cylinders, valves, pipes, hoses and their accessories must be inspected periodically, the results recorded in reports and filed on board. 37.19.10 It is forbidden to keep cylinders containing flammable gases in the kitchen, cafeteria or interior surroundings. 37.19.11 The operator of the installation must keep available to workers and their representatives the updated list of dangerous substances present on board and their respective MSDS. 37.19.12 MSDS must also be kept in the compartment where these substances are located, in an organized and easily accessible manner. The certification of cargo handling equipment and its accessories must comply with the following criteria: a) be carried out by a legally qualified professional, registered with the CREA and issuance of the respective ART; b) contain a record of the inspection report; c) meet the frequency specified by the legally qualified professional, which must not be longer than that recommended by the manufacturer or supplier.

37.20.2 Pre-operational inspection and operation of motorized equipment Before starting any operation, the equipment must be inspected by its operator, according to the guidance of the responsible technician (legally qualified professional) and recommendations from the manufacturer or supplier. The results obtained during the inspection must be recorded by the operator in a checklist. Cargo handling equipment and its accessories may only be used in perfect operating condition. The transport and electromechanical movement of loads must be carried out by a trained and authorized worker. The operator of hoisting equipment must also have the function recorded in his work and registration card. Loading or unloading areas must be isolated and signposted during movement, with access only to personnel involved in the operation being allowed on this occasion. Equipment operating procedures must be in accordance with the manufacturer's or supplier's recommendations. The installation operator must elaborate a specific procedure for the movement of dangerous substances, such as: acids, flammable and toxic gases, explosives, solvents and others. At the end of his shift, the equipment operator must record in a proper book or electronically the abnormalities observed in relation to its operation. The professional legally The contractor must evaluate and sign the registered abnormalities, taking the necessary measures, evaluating them together with the schedule for correcting non-impeding irregularities contained in the last inspection report (subitem that certified the equipment. The signalman and the crane operator must undergo recycling for 8 (eight) hours, according to the program content established by the installation operator, when one of the following situations occurs: a) removal of the operator from this activity in time equal to or greater than 90 (ninety) days; b) training in equipment different from that normally operated by the operator; c) serious or fatal accident occurred on board related to the activity of cargo handling or transportation of people. Before starting each workday, the crane operator must inspect and record in a checklist the operational and safety conditions, such as: a) brakes; b) clutches; c) controls; d) boom mechanisms; e) anemometer; f) displacement mechanism; g) weight and stroke safety devices; h) levels of lubricants, fuel and coolant; i) control instruments on the panel; j) sound and light signals; k) electromagnet; l) windshield wipers;

m) fluid and fuel leaks; n) abnormal noises and vibrations. To move loads with crane equipment, the operator must: a) prohibit tools or any loose object on the load; b) ensure that the load is evenly distributed between the branches of the sling, stabilized and tied down; c) make sure that the weight is compatible with the equipment's capacity; d) ensure that the hook of the hoisting equipment is perpendicular to the part to be lifted, checking the position of the load's center of gravity; e) use a guide cable, made of non-electrically conductive material, to position the load; f) ensure that load handling devices and accessories have maximum load identification, indelibly and easily visible; g) use only block hooks with safety locks; h) ensure that gas cylinders are only transported in a vertical position and inside an appropriate device; i) ensure that drums and drums, when moved together, are contained in devices suitable for transport; j) prohibit the throwing and dragging of cargo handling accessories; k) prevent the steel straps and cables from coming into direct contact with the edges of the parts during transport; l) prohibit the simultaneous handling of loads with the same equipment; m) prohibit the interruption of movement that keeps the load suspended, except in an emergency situation; n) keep the controls in the neutral position, brakes applied, locking engaged and de-energized, when interrupting or completing the operation; o) ensure that the cargo handling area is signposted and isolated.

37.21 Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Pipes

37.21.1 The provisions of this item and the provisions of NR-13 (Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Pipes) apply to boilers, pressure vessels and pipes on platforms. The originally transportable vessels, which are permanently attached to the platform facilities and which do not undergo any type of movement during the operation, must comply with the provisions contained in NR-13. NR-13 will not be applied to pressure vessels intended exclusively for naval and propulsion systems of vessels converted into platforms, provided that: a) these vessels have an updated class certificate issued by classification societies recognized by the Maritime Authority; b) the pressure vessels mentioned in the caput are not integrated or interconnected to the platform's process plant. 37.21.2 For boilers installed indoors, the following requirements of sub-item of NR-13 are not applicable: a) separate building for the boiler room or engine room; b) permanent ventilation that cannot be blocked; c) prohibition of the use of the boiler room or engine room for other purposes. 37.21.3 For pressure vessels installed in a closed environment, the requirement of permanent ventilation, with air inlets that cannot be blocked, is not applicable.

7.22 Risk Analysis of Installations and Processes 37.22.1 The operator of the installation must prepare, document, implement and disclose the risk analysis, qualitative and quantitative, of the installations and processes, in accordance with the provisions of this NR, and must be reviewed or revalidated at most every 5 (five) years. 37.22.2 Risk analyzes must be structured based on appropriate methodologies, chosen according to the purposes of the analysis, the risks present, the characteristics and complexity of the installation, considering including possible interactions between the various risks and substances on board. 37.22.3 The installation operator will formally designate one or more legally qualified professionals, responsible for coordinating the risk analysis, as well as defining the methodology to be used and technically basing its choice in the report itself, issuing the respective ART. 37.22.4 Risk analysis reports must be prepared and signed by a multidisciplinary team, with knowledge in the application of methodologies, present risks and experience in the platform under analysis, containing at least the following topics: a) objective and scope of the study; b) description of the installation, part of the installation, system or equipment that will be submitted for analysis; c) justification and description of the risk analysis methodology used; d) risk identifications, analyzes and classifications; e) conclusions about the results obtained; f) recommendations necessary for risk mitigation and prevention. At least one occupational safety professional, from the SESMT of the facility operator, on board the platform in question, and a worker with experience in the facility under study must participate in the risk analysis. (See implementation deadline in article 3 of Ordinance MTb No. 1,186, of December 20, 2018) Compliance with sub-item in the platform design phase is optional. In the case of a platform not required to have a complementary SESMT on board, the operator of the installation must appoint another employee, who is an occupational safety professional, to compose the multidisciplinary team. 37.22.5 The person legally responsible for the operator of the facility, formally designated, must approve the risk analysis report. The professional with the highest hierarchical level, on board the platform, must formally acknowledge the risk analysis report. 37.22.6 The operator of the facility must prepare a schedule, defining deadlines and those responsible for implementing the approved recommendations. Non-compliance with the implementation of recommendations or deadlines, defined in the schedule, must be justified and documented, provided that they do not represent, separately or jointly, a serious and imminent risk to workers. 37.22.7 Risk analyzes must be reassessed according to this item, under penalty of characterization of serious and imminent risk, in the following situations: a) if there is a change in the location of the platform; b) if the installation operator is replaced; c) when temporary facilities are placed on board, including temporary accommodation modules; d) prior to the expansion or modification of the facility, process or processing, when indicated by change management; e) at the request of SESMT or CIPLAT, when technically approved by the legal person responsible for the platform; f) by recommendation resulting from incident analysis.

37.22.8 Based on the risk analyses, the installation operator must define the provision and location of eyewash stations and emergency showers on the platform, kept in perfect working order, close to strategic locations. 37.22.9 Risk analyzes must be available for consultation by workers and their representatives, except for aspects or parts that involve confidential industrial information.

37.23 Safety and Health Inspections on Board

37.23.1 The platforms must be inspected periodically by the operator of the facility with a focus on safety and health at work, considering the risks of the activities and operations carried out on board. 37.23.2 The annual schedule of monthly inspections must be prepared by SESMT and implemented by the platform managers, previously informing CIPLAT. 37.23.3 The monthly safety and health inspections planned with the participation of the elected member, holder or alternate, of CIPLAT must be coordinated, carried out and recorded in a report by the SESMT professionals assigned to the platform. 37.23.4 Inspections must be documented through reports, with the following minimum content: a) name of the platform, date and place inspected; b) participants and their respective signatures; c) previous pending issues and current situation; d) existence of serious and imminent risk to the safety and health of workers; e) recommendations; f) schedule with the proposed deadlines and those responsible for implementing the recommendations. The legal person responsible for the platform must be aware of the contents of the onboard safety and health inspection report, by means of signatures at the end of this document, approving the schedule with deadlines and those responsible for complying with the recommendations. The safety and health inspection reports must be presented to CIPLAT during the regular meeting following the end of their preparation, with a copy attached to the minutes.

37.24 Inspections and Maintenance

37.24.1 The installation operator must define and implement the inspection and maintenance plan for equipment, instruments, machines, systems and platform accessories, specifying the appropriate strategy, national technical standards, recommendations from manufacturers or suppliers and good practices applicable engineering. The installation operator must prioritize preventive and predictive maintenance to eliminate the effects of the root causes of possible non-conformities, failures or undesirable situations, in order to prevent their occurrence. 37.24.2 The plan must be the object of planning and management carried out by a legally qualified professional and the results must be documented in a proper book, form or computerized system. 37.24.3 Inspection and maintenance plans must contain, at least, the following items: a) list of platform elements subject to inspections and maintenance; b) types of interventions to be carried out; c) annual schedule with the establishment of deadlines and identification of those responsible; d) professional training of workers and their respective formal authorizations; e) safety measures to be adopted for each of the elements and the respective necessary collective and individual protection equipment, which may be in the work permit; f) description of the activities to be carried out and the inspection and maintenance procedures; g) signatures of the responsible technicians. The installation operator must justify and document the non-compliance with the deadlines defined in the inspection and maintenance plans. Inspection and maintenance plans must be reviewed at least once every 5 (five) years and updated when necessary, by a legally qualified professional. 37.24.4 The frequency of inspections and maintenance must consider: a) what is provided for in NRs, in national technical standards or, in the absence of these, in international ones; b) the recommendations of the manufacturer or supplier, especially the items critical to the safety and health of workers; c) the measures proposed in the occupational health and safety inspection reports; d) the recommendations and opinions contained in the inspection and maintenance reports; e) suggestions arising from investigations of work incidents prepared by SESMT and CIPLAT; f) the recommendations of the risk analysis; g) the environmental and climatic conditions on board; h) suggestions from employee representatives, if relevant. 37.24.5 Inspections, maintenance and other interventions must be carried out by workers with appropriate training, under the supervision of a qualified professional on board and coordinated by a legally qualified professional who may be stationed on land. 37.24.6 The maintenance report must contain: a) the non-conformities found; b) the interventions carried out with their respective dates, describing the repaired or replaced parts; c) the records of the professionals responsible for carrying out the interventions; d) the names of those carrying out the interventions; e) the signature of the person responsible for the report. 37.24.7 The use and operation of equipment, instruments, machines, pipes, accessories or any other platform system subject to inspection and maintenance is prohibited, before the correction of its impeding non-conformities, with the formal knowledge of the legal person responsible for the platform . 37.24.8 In the case of inspections, maintenance, repairs and other activities that use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - UAV (drone), the installation operator must adopt the Brazilian Special Civil Aviation Regulation No. 94/2017 (RBAC-E 94/2017) of the National Civil Aviation Agency - ANAC, and the operating rules established by the Airspace Control Department - DECEA and the requirements of the National Telecommunications Agency - ANATEL. In addition to what is prescribed in sub-item 37.24.8 of this NR, the installation operator must:

a) hire service providers or be duly registered with ANAC; b) ensure that the drone operator participates in the elaboration of risk analyzes and signs the PT for on-board flight activity; c) ensure that drones used in classified areas comply with the conditions set out in the standards of the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology - INMETRO for these types of locations; d) evaluate the simultaneous operations on the platform before using the drone; e) draw up a map limiting the area allowed for drone flight, notably over areas with the possible presence of workers.

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